Chris Lang Photography

River Landing

River Landing Weddings - River Landing Wedding Photographers
“ We were blown away when we saw our pictures. You are a master of your craft and unbelievably talented.”
Nicole H. San Diego Ca
The thought and detail in every picture was just stunning. These pictures made a lot of my family literally cry from joy when seeing them.

“Clients Say it Better”

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River Landing Wallce NC Wedding Photographers | Videographers

Picture of wedding dress at River Landing
Picture of bride holding flowere
Pictur eof Bride putting on Wedding Dress
River lLnding Wedding Photographers
Picture of the River Lodge
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Picture of the River Landing River Lodge at wedding
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River Landing Wedding Photography
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RIver Landing Wedding Photographers - Wedding Photography Services

River Landing Wedding Videographers

River Landing -Wallace NC - Wedding Photography
  • River Landing Weddings | An Amazing Wedding Venue | Best Kept Secret

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    River Landing is an incredible wedding venue that boasts a unique offering to club house weddings. As a Wilmington NC wedding photographer, River Landing is on the top of my list for producing amazing wedding pictures. From the first class club house to the river lodge, there are photographic opportunities abound. River Landing Country Club House is first rate. I shoot Professional Golf and have been in some incredible club houses. I think River Landing can complete with some of the most well known and exclusive country clubs not only in North Carolina, but also the nation wide golf circut. One of the most overlooked processes of the wedding day is the getting ready. As a wedding photographer, it is often a hurdle to get great pre-ceremony pictures due to room lay out and design. What is unique to River Landing it that it offers spacious and luxurious rooms for brides getting to get ready. The luxurious 2 bedroom private Clubhouse Suites and 4 bedroom guest cottages offer living areas, kitchens and balconies with scenic views of, award-winning golf course. These are set up in such a way that I can capture all the details in a class environment.

    When it comes to
    Country Club Weddings you would find a hard time finding a more photographic place to get married. So when searching for North Carolina Wedding Photographers be sure to also see our Wedding Photography website at Chris Lang Weddings. You can also see a more detailed River Landing review and our wedding pictures at our awesome NC wedding venue review site
  • River Landing Wedding Photography

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    Are you searching for River Landing Wedding Photographers for your wedding? Welcome to Chris Lang Photography. We are glad you found us. We encourage to you take a journey around our website and see our photography and wedding videography work. We offer a "Signature Style" of wedding photography. Our style is a lifestyle approach to wedding photography that is free flowing and allows for your story to happen.
River Landing -Wallace NC - Wedding Photographers

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