Chris Lang Photography

My Gear

Tools of the trade

  • Cameras do not make the photographer - They are an exention of their creativity and capabilities.

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    I get asked a lot about the camera gear I use from other photographers and clients. For what ever reason there is a curiosity and also an expectation from the people who hire me. Over the years working events, weddings, and professional sports, photography gear with out a doubt impacts peoples perceptions and attitudes about the photographer.

    If someone tells you that a camera or lens does not make a difference then they have no experience with the equipment. Photography gear does not make the photographer, however, the gear is an extension of the photographer. Every lens and camera produces a variation in looks. In fact, the same lens on a different camera body can create a variation in looks.

    People depend on me to create image under non repeatable circumstances. For this reason, I use the best equipment that I find serves my purpose for dependability, and creative capabilities. I beat the heck out of my cameras and lenses. I purchase my gear based on the understanding that it is a tool and tools are meant to be used, look used, and put through the rigors. I primarily shoot Canon's Pro DLSR's . What i can attest to is they can take a beating, a dropping and keep on working.
  • My Cameral Systems | Everything is done with a purpose

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    Every photographer has an operational system. I developed mine over years of success and mishaps. It is about being creatively operational and more fluid with my gear during fast paced events that include professional sports and weddings. Most of what film & photograph is non-repeatable. What works for me may not work for someone else.

    Everything I do when working a wedding or professional event is done with a purpose. A HUGE part of the purpose is the gear I use and when I use it. For most every job, I work with a minimum of three cameras (this does not include my back up gear). Experience is not just time on the camera, it is the ability to problem solve when things don't go to plan. The truth is, most events, including weddings, never go as planned. So for me, the gear that I have on me makes ALL the difference to create on the fly regales of the situation.

    Since I shoot as a hobby and for personal enjoyment, I classify my gear in two categories. Professional Gear and Street Gear.

Professional Gear

Canon EOS 1DX

My go to primary camera for every kind of shoot. I use this camera for 80% photo 20% video
My favorite lens on this body is all of them. Love the 85L 1.2 but my hands down favorite is the 200L f 2.0. Simply an amazing combo that is hard to replicate with any other camera-lens combo. The only downside is the size of this lens and is used selectively depending on the
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Canon EOS Mark IV

Secondary camera for event shooting. 80% photo 20%video
My favorite lens on this camera is 70-200 II. Starting to enjoy the Sigma 18-35 1:8 on this camera even though it is designed for APC sensor. Most used prime on this camera is my 50 1.2
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Canon EOS 5dMark III

My go to 3rd camera. 50% video -50% Photo. Most used lens during an event is the 14L 2:8. This always surprises me as I would think it would be the 24 or 35 at the end of the day.
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Canon EOS 5D Mark II

These were my work horses for many years. My favorite lens was and is the 24-70 L 2.8. Cannot say enough about these cameras, They have been dropped, mother boards replaced and shutters were replaced. I now use these cameras 10% photo and 90% video. These are now dedicated to full time video and my assistants. I will have a hard time saying good bye so they will make it into my photography museum. I would have no problem shooting this camera for years to come if it was still being produced. When you learn a camera inside and out you know what it can and can't do and find the creative ways to push it to is image capacities within my shooting style.
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Canon EOS 7D (2)

Relegated to back-ups for photography and used primarily for video. The 7D is a great camera. It just feels great in your hand. However, I do not use the 7D that much for photography and never have. 10% photo 90% video. My favorite lens is the sigma 18-35 1.8 and also use the 10-22 fro elevation perspective.
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Canon EOS 7D converted to infrared

Converted to infrared because I love B&W photography. I wanted to to add a different tool that made me think more and out of a traditional color palette. I primarily use with the 16-35L 2:8. It is a bit tricky and since the sensor is not calibrated for one focal point, you must focus with live view to achieve proper focus. This is also a camera that has to be set up for custom white balance on every changing scene.

I actually had a Super Color IR put in the camera. This allows fro some color to be retained. The Raw image looks very different and to achieve the proper results it is a mandatory trip into Photoshop as Light Room cannot get the channels right for my taste.
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Canon EOS M (x4) My Go Pro...sorta

Yes I use the EOS M. Professional use is 100% video. This is auxiliary video not my primary video tools however the noise capabilities on this little guy for static shooting is hard to beat in such a small package. This is my new go pro. I know it is not water proof not as small nor as portable and not a durable. But for what I do it is good, not perfect. The focus is slow but for video I am not depending on the focusing capabilities.

I can attach almost any lens I have and take advantage of some very shallow DOF is a portable package. I also have used them on my hot shoe while photographing at the same time. That is my little secret when I need that one piece of footage. You can get them cheaper than a go pro and the video capabilities do not even compare to me withe options you have if you can deal with size.

One of the lenses I like using is the Lens Baby. With live view it works great for both video and stills. This is the one lens I will shoot creative stills with at an event as I can throw it in a pocket and not have it interfere with my other systems. It is a little specialty camera in my shooting.
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coming soon

Street Gear

Alright it is true. I do not shoot with my pro gear for personal use. Why? Because it is big, heavy, and not convenient for the type of shooting I like to do for personal use. Technology in cameras is amazing. Some of the recent cameras that have come out are real game changers. Some can even be putting the threat on PRO DLSR's. As with anything, there is no one perfect camera. They all have strength and weaknesses. For my street photography blog below is the gear I use. It all has to do with size and perceptions. I have been in public places with my pro great and have been asked to put my gear away or leave. I showed up with my street gear in the same place with no issues. Pro gear often draws unwanted attention and also fosters attitudes about such gear and operator. So if I am not shooting professionally ,here is what I use. However I have used these cameras professionally in conjunction with my other gear. Street Photography equipment

Coming Soon


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Wilmington NC Photographer- Chris Lang -
North Carolina Photographers - Creative Photography Services





  • Weddings
  • Events
  • Commercial
  • Documentary
  • Branding
  • Story Telling